Quality is life · Details determine success or failure
Corporate purpose: Create value for owners, create wealth for employees, and create benefits for society

Corporate culture is the highest program of action for our company, the highest standard of conduct for our employees, and the benchmark for measuring our decision-making, management, system, behavior, and image.

Corporate vision
Do International Economic Technology Forerunners of the cooperative industry

Core value
The pursuit of quality Harmonious Development

Entrepreneurial spirit
Seeking truth from facts; Innovation;people oriented

Management idea
Happy work Simple get along

Business philosophy
Quality is life details make a difference

Employee creed
Loyalty, dedication
Team and execution

Talent Concept
With career inspiration
Use treatment to retain people
Use affectionate people

Management concept
Organization specialization
Standardization of work
Management institutionalization
Professionalization of employees

Work concept
Doing life in advance
Disadvantage is a blessing