In November 28, 2017, the company participated in the world disabled day celebration organized by the Zhenjiang Special Educatio


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In November 28, 2017, the company participated in the world disabled day celebration organized by the Zhenjiang Special Educatio

In November 28, 2017, the company participated in the world disabled day celebration organized by the Zhenjiang Special Educatio


In December 3rd, it was an international day for disabled people. In order to promote people's understanding of the problem of disability and to mobilize people to support the dignity, rights and happiness of the disabled, in November 28, 2017, the Zhenjiang special education center held a world celebration of "the integration of putt and joint growth" of the world's disabled people day. Li Hongbao, general manager of our company, general manager Chen Jiahui, vice general manager Yang Donglin and others attended the event.

During the campaign, the company contributed to the special education center, with the assistance of the Zhenjiang Charity Association, two projects, "Taiping mud called Zhou Baokang studio" and "Chinese Association An Yongfeng studio", totalling RMB 100 thousand yuan, aiming at helping children to grow healthily and happily and better integrate into social self-reliance.  


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